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Big World Small Knowledge

In a small village in the southern part of China, there existed a large bird that was unable to fly. Its sole ability was to catch fish in the river. This particular bird is known as the Cormorant, and it played a vital role in supporting the livelihoods of the fishermen who resided there. They lived harmoniously alongside the fishermen, their shared purpose being to catch fish.
During the day, the birds would rest alongside the fishermen, but as night fell, they would venture out to the river together. The fishermen would employ light to attract the fish, and once the fish approached, the Cormorants would plunge into the water to capture them. However, instead of consuming the fish themselves, they would retrieve the fish from their mouths and deliver them to the fishermen, who relied on this catch for their sustenance.
The forests in Yunnan are the largest in China, boasting an impressive array of seventeen thousand tree species. Many rare medicinal plants originate from Yunnan, making it a primary source for the medicines we find in pharmacies. Other regions in China are unable to supply such uncommon remedies.