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Camel Race

When talking about camel racing, we know that it is commonly associated with Arabian countries, which are located in the Middle East today. In the Middle East today, Dubai is recognized as the most famous city in the world. Dubai, a modern city built in the desert, has flourished due to the wealth derived from underground oil reserves. In Dubai, we are greeted with towering skyscrapers and state-of-the-art amenities. One of the most renowned structures is the Yacht Hotel, representing the pinnacle of contemporary hospitality.
The wealth generated by the oil industry has transformed the Middle East. Another notable city, Masalar, is currently developing an unmanned MTR system, showcasing the region's commitment to innovation and sustainability.
In contrast to Europe's horse racing tradition, the Middle East has embraced camel racing. However, in a more advanced approach, the camels are now piloted by machine-operated jockeys.