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Do Not Ask Help

We should cultivate a habit of not relying on others for help, as seeking assistance creates a sense of indebtedness. However, if one prefers not to depend on others for help, they must lead a simple life or accept that they will need to ask for assistance.
We often claim that we don't have enough time, but in reality, it is because we lead complicated lives. By embracing simplicity, we can find that time is ample. Simple living requires less time, whereas a complex life demands more time.
When it comes to clothing, having an excess of garments necessitates additional time for maintenance. It is better to have a limited number of dresses.
Food is another aspect to consider. It is unnecessary to indulge in extravagant meals; having sufficient nutrition is adequate.
Living in a large house is not a requirement. A simple and small house is sufficient for our needs and lifestyle.