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Where Comes The Itch?

Sometimes our bodies experience itchiness, and we may not know the exact reason behind it. Some individuals may choose to visit a doctor or purchase medicine from a store to alleviate the symptoms, while others may simply ignore it. There are those who opt to temporarily relieve the itchiness by applying vinegar to the affected area. Everyone has their own approach.
Itchy sensations are a common occurrence for all living beings, including animals. They often relieve their itchiness by rubbing against trees or other surfaces.
The presence of itchiness in our bodies can be attributed to factors such as toxins, poor blood circulation, and a deficiency of vitamin C.
Increasing our intake of foods rich in vitamin C can reduce itchiness, although it may take several days to observe improvements. Conversely, frequent consumption of fried foods is likely to result in more frequent episodes of itchiness.