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Never Too Late

In our lives, we will have many things that we regret. One of these is reaching a certain age and realizing that we missed out on things we should have done. We may wish to complete unfinished tasks, but it is often too late. Despite this reality, we can still do something to improve our situation. Although we may not be able to improve everything, we can make some progress in some areas.
In America a century ago, there was an old woman who was eighty-one years old. She liked to draw, but many thought she was too old to start. However, she never gave up and began by drawing a dog. In the beginning, she found it difficult, but with practice, she improved and was able to draw dogs that looked real. She also started drawing scenery, such as rivers, forests, mountains, and other natural settings.
At the age of ninety-two, she held an exhibition that was open to the public, which turned out to be a great success. Despite her age, she continued to improve and pursue her passion for drawing.