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Learn From Dog

Many people like dogs. What is the reason? It is because they do not speak. Dogs only obey and do not use words. They demand little and are easily pleased. If you give them food, you become their master, and they will be forever happy with you. Dogs themselves are happy all the time. They live in the moment and enjoy it fully, with no worries about the past or future.
As humans, we can think and speak, and we live in a society with other humans. However, we often find ourselves arguing with one another throughout our lives. It would be better to learn from dogs and speak less when communicating with other humans. This could lead to fewer problems and less trouble. The Bible tells us that we have two ears and one mouth, indicating that we should listen more and speak less, which can help us enjoy our lives more fully.
The Chinese old saying "Silence is golden" is not entirely correct, but it does have some sense in our daily lives.