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Great Barrier Reef

In recent years, scientists have been warning loudly that the Great Barrier Reef will disappear in a few decades due to the world's weather turning warmer and warmer. As the water temperature rises, coral under the water slowly dies and will eventually disappear from the world.
So far, the sea fish inside the Great Barrier Reef are considered the best in the world, with some as big as non-stop swimming sharks and others as small as turtles from far away. Under the sea, the Great Barrier Reef has plenty of abalone, the largest in the world. Fishermen risk their lives to catch abalone in the sea bottom for sale to the Southeast market, where demand is high.
The Great Barrier Reef is home to one kind of fish called clownfish, which is a graceful fish that is red and white combined. They swim very slowly and are easy to attack, so they always hide in the coral to protect themselves. There is also another kind of shrimp, all black and hiding in the coral. Most people do not see such shrimp.