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Calm And Peace

In one ancient period, a king announced a notice to ask all painters in the nation to draw a picture about calm and peace.
The best would be given a lot of gold reward. Of course, many painters presented good pictures to the king.
The king selected one as best. This picture showed there were several high mountains. At the same time, fierce storm angered over mountains.
But, on the middle part of the mountain, there was a hole, in which few infant swallows were playing very peacefully. No attention to the storm outside.
It is so clear that peaceful swallows and outside fierce storm formed a sharp contrast, to show the meaning of calm and peace.
The king said that we could not enjoy peace in a peaceful circumstance, we have to enjoy peace among noisy condition.
This picture made us feel that fierceful storm outside mountain could not influence the calm and peaceful of swallows in the hole.