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India Monkey

In India, monkey is free to move in the city under protection by law. They give quite big trouble to city citizen.
Those monkeys can cross in the street, stealing food from any homes where doors are open. No one will interfere.
But, there are human monkey police to control them. If monkeys steal food under public eyes, it will be arrested and sent to mountain faraway.
Some wise monkeys have ways to come back to city again. They jump to the passing lorries and finally they are in city again.
In city, monkeys are divided to two groups, one temple group, one street group. Monkeys in temple are quite safe, monks will provide food to them.
Another is street group. They live dangerously. They have to snatch food from street, and have chance to be electrified to death. But, these are their destiny.
In city, doors and windows are barred, to prevent monkey to enter their home for stealing and disturbance.