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Dec 20 2022

Three Kinds Of People

In this world, there are three kinds of people first only saying, never doing. Second never saying only doing. Last one saying first doing later.
We of course know. These people who only say and never do are the people of failure. They can never be person successful in the society.
But, these who never say only have chance to achieve silently. People also trust silent person. Of course, they respect the person to speak first and do later.
It is because the person who speak first and do later had a lot of pressure. It is not easy to do so, but he deserves respect.
Looking to the above three kinds of people. Only saying and never doing are people of failure. People keep silently and also do silently also good in society.
Only the people who said first but do later is the person to deserve respect for society, it is that he saying and doing are combined.
There person will get trust for society. Only those people are able to build a health society. They are to be trusted.