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August 27 2022

Minor Illness, Cure By Ourselves

We are human, surely we will have small illness. We need care, but not go to doctor, but cure by ourselves.
Many minor illness by ourselves is just by rest and drinking water. In most cases, in a few days, illness gone.
Medical system in Hong Kong is good, poor people can go public hospitals, free of charge, even medical free.
If you are in good finance position, you will go private doctor. They charge you high by two minutes cure.
In the west, there is a proverbs. “Cold eating, fever hunger.” If cold you should eat more, but fever, empty your stomach.
If you are in private hospitals, first of all, they will check your whole body to ascertain the cause of your illness. The cost is high.
We must be always careful to prevent illness, sleeping enough, eat balance, exercise adequately, all of which must be noticed 24 hours a day.