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August 14 2022


Nutrition comes from food which supplies what our body needs. Meat gives us protein, vegetables vitamins.
Protein mainly comes from fish, pork meat, chicken, and milk. Milk contains high calcium, which our body needs most.
Egg is good food, but we must not eat raw. Raw egg contains salmonella. We need to boil the egg which is then safe to eat.
Old people is afraid to eat egg yellow part. But according to scientist: It is a good part, and to eat one egg a day is good for health.
Of course if we eat fresh sea fish which is best to our body. Sea fish contains DHA and EPA, helping blood circulation to run smooth.
Crab is also very good, meat tender easy to digest, but we need to cook well. Crab eat dead meat in the sea, containing terrible germs.
But, too much meat will cause you many kind of illness. If is better to eat vegetables to mix up with meat.