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July 14 2022

Long Life, Not Easy

We are human, and everybody wishes to live a long life. That is why the kings in ancient days were called “ten thousand years” to live his life. Of course, it could never be done, but Kings liked to be called “ten thousand years.”
One king in the old days sent a minister to the outside world to search for a long-life medicine which is impossible as there is no such medicine in anywhere of the world.
Some kings asked doctors to make pills for long life. On the contrary, such pills only shortened his life.
From history no kings can live over ninety years of age. They usually died at age of seventy to eighty.
Even our ordinary people cannot live a very easy life. We live at the average age of eighty-five from our past record.
It is because we humans will face many sickness of different kinds. Besides, we have many unexpected accidents.