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June 25, 2022

Life Is So Hasty

When a baby is born, it immediately face a life of haste. He will cry, looking for mother’s milk, legs flying. He needs to grow by such actions.
Very soon, he grows to a child. He will climb and do something dangerous. Without a mother’s care, he will die.
When he reaches three years of age, he will go to kindergarten, to live a life with other children for his future.
Once you reach a mature age, by law, your life belongs to yourself. You shall be responsible for everything you have.
Life is so hasty, day by day, year by year. Quickly you are entering to middle-ages from being young. You now live a different life from before.
Though our life is hasty, we can still make a good plan to live our life successfully and beautifully, depending on what we do.
It is therefore important to seize our time and use it to our benefit. Once time is gone, it can never come back. It is just gone with the wind.