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May 7 2022

Who Are You?

When you get up in the morning, facing the mirror, you can ask yourself: “Who are you?” It means that you will criticize yourself.
You will plan to do things today, how to use your time, how to do better, and turn away from evil.
There is a proverb in English: “You cannot see dust on your mirror.” This means that you cannot see your own faults by yourself.
But, if you look at the mirror you can see the dust on your nose, and ask “Who are you?” you may ponder coldly, and get rid of your faults.
There was a philosopher in Greece in ancient days, called Socrates, whose famous words were: “Understand yourself.” Many people understand others well, but not themselves.
Many people have profound ideals, but all of them are castles in the air. There is a proverb in India: “You can have ideas in the air, but feet on the ground.”
We cannot forecast the weather, similar to how we cannot forecast our life in the future. We need some planning for the worst while we have good days.