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May 1 2022


We are human. Sickness is inevitable. But there are two kinds of sickness. One is outside wounds, another is from inside our body.
We cannot prevent outside wounds by ourselves. They come unexpectedly, such as accidents of many kinds.
As for regarding inside sickness, we can do things to prevent it from happening. We should take our daily life carefully.
First, we have to watch the weather, and not get cold when the weather changes from warm to cold suddenly.
Second is the eating. Many kinds of sickness are from being too careless in our eating. This can be the main cause of sickness.
Another kind is that we are exhausted. We are working too many long hours, or having too much unhealthy night life.
As long as we live our life to follow the sun, going to bed early, rising early, the chances of having sickness will be rare.