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Jan 14 2022

Little Knowledge About Snake

In one small town in one country. Mountains around the town and in the mountain huge population is snake.
This town is called snake town where produced many snake products, such as snake bag, snake shoes, snake skins which can make many kinds of production.
Every year this town will hold a festival for the snake and many snake expert will come to this town to show their knowledge in snake.
If you have a special technic to handle snake and through competition you get first, you will get big amount of rewards.
Somebody will lie in one big box, and put few hundred poison snakes in the box. He shall lie in the box for one hour and unhurt.
Hong Kong people like to eat snake soup in the autumn. Tens of thousands of snakes have been imported from China for the snake eaters.
Snake will not attack you by itself unless it is angered. But, watch the snake when it is coiled in the road. Coiled snake can jump up to attack you.