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Dec 3 2021

To Reduce Fat: Difficult

No one wants to be fat which is not good in everyway, ugly to our looking, and bad to our health.
Young girls, if fat, no more slim, young man not handsome, middle aged, more sickness, old people will be easy to catch strike.
In principle, it is easy to reduce weight. You just eat less. But, to do it is so difficult. We like to eat to make our stomach full.
If we have determined to reduce three or five pounds in one week, it may be done so. We just keep hungry in every meal
But when our weight is down, we shall go back to eat as normal and fat comes back immediately.
In recent decade, some people do not eat for sixteen hours. It seems workable and many people have succeeded in this way.
To keep weight in normal way is a fight whole our life. But, it is worthwhile to do so. We can live healthy and long.