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Nov 27 2021

Sweet Home

Many years ago, there was a farmer. Every day he went up to nearby mountain to cut tree branch for his cooking. One day, on his way, he saw a strange bird lying on the ground. Obviously it was wounded. He picked it up and bring home. His grandson asked the grandpa to give the bird to him. The grandson put it into the chicken cage which was big and many chicken were there. This bird thus lived with the chicken.
Time flies fast the bird was getting bigger and bigger. It was not an ordinary bird which was an eagle. This eagle flied out in the morning for food and back in the evening to spend the night in chicken cage which was its home.
But this eagle was growing bigger and bigger which was terrible in shape. Neighbours were afraid and asked the farmer to let it go to forest. The farmer did so. But, it retuned still in the night.
Finally, the farmer took a train to let the eagle fly few hundred miles away. Thus, the eagle came back no more.
From here we know that we need a home, even the eagle is an animal, but it loves its sweet home among the group of chicken.