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Oct 18 2021

Chance Only Once

Two thousand years ago, there was a philosopher in Greece. His name was Socrates, very famous at that time.
His students asked him what was the definition of time. He did not answer, but only asked the student to come to the west side of a forest the next day.
Next day, Socrates waited on the west side of the forest, and when all the student gathered together, he asked them to go to east side of the forest.
On the way through the forest, each student must pick up from tree an apple which he thought the biggest. But, once he passed the tree, he could not turn back to pick again.
Socrates waited on the east side, but he found out that many students were empty handed. It was that the student wanted to pick up the biggest one, but he could not get such a big one he thought, and he soon found that he was on the east side of the forest. But, he could not return.
Socrates told the students that in our life, chance only appears once. A missed chance can never came back again. Therefore, seize the chance when it comes to our hand