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Oct 14 2021

Thin Tree

Many years ago, somewhere in some country, there lived, two old men, one in east part one in west part. They all liked to plant trees. One on east cared the tree very much, and the other cared nothing. East one watered the tree everyday, west one never watered the tree. Consequently, east trees were so strong and green, west weak and dry.
One day, a typhoon attacked the village. Surprisingly strong trees all fell down, weak trees stood intact. Such difference attracted scientist to study.
Through months of study, scientist found out that the root of watered trees was very shadow under the soil, but the roots of thin trees went down very deep to the ground which protected the survival of the weak trees.
From this example to human, the children of rich family have good care from parents and they cannot face difficulty when it comes. But, to children of poor family, they see difficulty as nothing. They can handle it easily. Such is the philosophy as the trees