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Sep 30 2021

Noise And Peace

Many many years ago, somewhere in a country, there was a king who asked painters to draw a picture about noise and peace. The winner would be given big reward.
Of course, there were so many painters to present their drawings, among which the king selected one as the winner.
It was a picture that in one mountain area, heavy rain and strong storm, fiercely invaded that area. The sky was in dark, the scene was terrible.
But, in one part of the mountain, we can see one hole where storm cannot enter. In the hole there were few baby swallows, playing peacefully together, nothing to care about fierce weather outside.
It was a contrast between fierce weather outside and peaceful atmosphere in the hole. The king selected it as the best drawing of all.
In our life, we must keep a peaceful heart among the noisy society. It is not wise to go to a quiet mountain just to keep us peaceful.