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Aug 17 2021

Keep Our body Heathy, Heart Peaceful

Keep our body healthy, you may think to eat a lot of health food and expensive medicine. It is wrong in principle.
To keep a healthy body, we just live a good normal life and eat properly, not necessarily expensive and rare.
If you eat too much healthy food, it is, on the contrary, do you no good and may be to shorten your life against you wish.
As to keep our heart peaceful, it is not necessary to learn Chinese qigong or Western meditation. We just keep our heart slow beating, like a turtle.
In the books, if you wish, to study the knowledge of long life, it seems very difficult. But, it is not difficult at all.
We just keep our daily life in a regular way, sleeping enough, balanced food, suitable exercise and peace like a turtle. That is enough.
Life must depend upon yourself. You are the master to decide how long you can live. You need study and have wisdom.