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Aug 8 2021

Balance Nutrition

Our body needs nutrition, which makes us strong and healthy. Nutrition comes from food. But, what food is the best?
The way is to balance any food we eat, not being confined to a particular food. This does not give average nutrition to our body.
Chinese monks only eat vegetables and never touch meat. The consequence is that those monks die at seventy or eighty, seldom reaching ninety.
Even meat animals mostly live fifteen to twenty years. Elephants can live up to eighty years or more. It is because they eat tree leaves with their roots which contain soil that makes them live longer.
We therefore must eat meat and vegetables together to have balanced nutrition. Meat contains protein and vegetables vitamin C.
We now have a little fear about our food. vegetables have insecticides. Domestic meat animals eat food with too many chemicals to make them grow fast. But, this is the reality we have to face. What we have to do is not eat meat so frequently.