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July 26 2021


We know the word of “Ghost”, but whether it exists in the world, we double it. Even up to now no scientist can confirm.
If we think coolly, there is no ghost in any point of view. No one has seen or talked to the ghost.
What we feel about ghost is from our imagination. It is the words from some old women who depend on their earing by proclaiming the existed ghost.
But we cannot deny that the feeling of ghost is not only in Chinese people. Even in the west there is the word of ghost.
About four hundred years ago, in the play of Shakespeare in England. There were description of ghost by Shakespeare in the plays of “Hamlet” and “Macbeth.”
In China, most people believe there is the ghost in the world which appears in the late night after mid night in the dark lonely place.
Of course, many educated people, though not all, do not trust that there is ghost. They believe people who died, become a material and turned to be soil, together with worms underground.