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June 11 2021


We live our life in reality, not in dream. In dream, we do not need eating. We do not feel pain. But, in reality we need to face many things. We have to eat everyday and we must careful our safety.
In reality, we have to bow. When the door is not high, we must bend our body to enter room. This is the reality.
Many people are not happy because they do not satisfy with what they have. They want more and more. Some people get a job but they do not work hard and finally be dismissed. Such people are not realistic ones, and doomed failure.
Reality is so simple. We must eat when we are hungry. No eating will make us die. That is why we have to work to earn to keep our life alive.
To face reality is not so difficult. We just work hard, fulfilling our duty and dealing with people in fair relationship. If so, our life will be peaceful and beautiful.