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Apr 19 2021

Every Day is Last Day

This title means that if we are only to live today, we will surely cherish every minute in our hand and shall have as much as harmony with everyone.
To say simple, we shall not waste time, we will use our time on important thing only, neglecting things of less importance.
Many people say that their time is not enough. It is because they mix things of importance and things of less importance together. If it were so, they are surely busy.
But, if we only do important things, and forget small things which are mostly not necessary to our life, we shall have ample time in our daily life.
The definition of today as last day is to seize time not to waste it, doing things what we like to do, enjoying our life what we should enjoy, living a better life every day.
As a matter of fact, we should live, like a last day, our life at the present moment. Yesterday gone, tomorrow unknown, and in the night an earthquake may take our life away in dream. Now is real, and true, live and enjoy the present moment to the full.












最後一天 Meaning