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Apr 14 2021

Where Trouble Comes

We, Chinese, have a saying: “Do not find trouble yourself.” But, in the reality, most troubles come from other people.
We seldom will find trouble by ourselves unless sometimes we have something happening out of our control, thus trouble may create by ourselves.
But, in our human life, just like changeable weather, we will meet some trouble unexpectedly. We must know how to handle it properly.
Even so, we should not create any trouble by our own. Such as driving after drinking it is forbidden in any circumstance.
You are a careful person in society, never offending law, But should you drink much in the party and still drive home by yourself, you can have disaster at any moment and be imprisoned as a guilty person.
If trouble comes from other persons, we should not argue with them, just leaving the spot. This is the best way to protect our safety in any circumstance.












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