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Mar 9 2021

When Good Luck Comes

In our life, we may have one or twice good luck which suddenly comes to us. But, beware it is the time we must be careful. Usually, ill fortune always follows after a good luck. It is not a definite rule, but it happens in most cases in our life.
An ancient Chinese story gives us an example. At old days, there was an old farmer who had a horse. But one day, the horse ran away. All family members were not happy, only the farmer said that it was not necessary to feel bad.
A few days later, the horse came back with a small horse. All were happy, but still the old farmer showed no happiness. Very soon the farmer’s grandchild, in order to ride the small horse, fell down from it’s back and broke his legs.
It is a short story to tell us that we msut know that good luck and bad luck falls upon us alternatively. Especially we must be carefully when we are in the spheres of good luck which, in usually cases, ill fortune is waiting to enter our life.















好運 Meaning