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Feb 25 2021

Philosophy Of Water

Water is all mighty, the soft thing in the world. Without water, we cannot live, nor any creature and nature world can exist.
Water has no shape of its own. If you put water in a square article, it becomes square or putting into a round article it is round.
But, the water is the strongest thing in the world. So fierce as fire, which can only be conquered by water.
We human should learn from the character of water. That is, we should always keep ourselves soft in appearance and strong inside. By this way, no one can hurt us in any circumstance.
Few thousand years ago, a Chinese Philosopher Lao Tse said: “Softest conquers strong.” If we are to be strong, we must be soft.
But, it is only that we are soft outside, and in our inner side, we must be strong. We must have own character of our own, not to follow any person’s idea. We must know clearly. What is wrong and what right? We must select our own future direction not by others.










水的哲學 Meaning