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Jan 24 2021

Time Gone

There was a famous song about time gone in the movie of Casablanca which was very popular after the Second World War.
But, in our reality of everyday life, time is also so important that if we do not seize time seriously, time will be gone silently without saying goodbye to you.
It is true that many people are complaining that time is not enough for them to use. They wish they can have forty-eight hours a day. It is not real that the reality is that we have only twenty-four hours a day, controlled by the cycle of the sun and the moon.
It entirely depends on ourselves how to use the time. Somebody can use time properly under a good planning, some using it in a mess. Since time can never change to twenty-five hours a day we have to plan everything within twenty-four hours.
Time waits no body. It slips away second by second. But, we can do a lot of things in the course of seconds. Infants can grow to adult, a desert can turn into a city. That is the power of seconds to be managed by human.