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Jan 13 2021

Body Clock

Everybody has his body clock which means you will get up at so and so hour without an alarm clock. The cells in our body will remind us to wake up.
Of course, by doing this we need a discipline life. Without a regular and proper life, young man will have his spirit low, middle age more sickness, old to die early. It is because that once your life is irregular cells will be difficult to follow, hurting your health to a great extent.
Many people when he is in work can enjoy good health even he is under hard work. But, once he retires he thinks he can enjoy his life as he likes. He sleeps late to whatever he likes. But, he finds his health getting weak, more minor illness visiting him. It is because his cells in his body cannot fit his new way of life.
If you wish to be not sick, you have to live a regular life even you are retired. Old people has to live a discipline life to avoid going to doctor. Then he will suffer less in sickness and live his normal age. If a person can live a life under routine he can enjoy a more happy and healthy life