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Nov 24 2020

Blind Man And Lamp

In a certain old year, there was one monk living in temple. He had a habit to walk in the street after dinner outside his temple. The street was dark and he accustomed to its darkness for many years.
One day suddenly he saw light in the street. This light was from a lamp holding by a man in a distance. Close to him, the monk found the man to be blind. He asked the man since he was blind, why he need a light which is of no use to him. The blind man said the lamp is to protect his safety. When people saw his light, they would not hit him in the dark black night.
Therefore, we can find out that when we do many things, it may look for the benefit of others, but actually it is good for ourselves. Such example can be found in our daily life.
In the society, majority of people are selfish. By sacrificing himself to help others, such persons are not so many. It is because everyone has to take care of himself for his living. But, still if circumstance allows, to help others should be a great thing not only good to others, also benefit to ourselves as well.