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Oct 14 2020

Sweet Home

Many many years ago, an old farmer went to mountain to cut wood for his cooking fire material. On the way, he saw a small bird, lying on the path helplessly seemingly a poor wounded bird. Due to sympathy of its condition, he took the bird home. His grandson, seeing this small bird very curious, asked grandfather to give him. But, he knew not how to give it food. He put it on the chicken shelter where many chickens, big and small, lived together.
When the days gone by, the small chicken became big chicken, the small bird also became a big bird. But, this was not an ordinary bird, it was an eagle. This eagle flied out during the day to get food outside, and in the night, it flied back to sleep together with chicken brothers and sisters. Chicken shelter was its home.
But, the neighbor of the old man complained its existence, fearing one day this eagle will eat their chicken. The old man was compelled to set it free, but it still flied back in the night. Until one day, the old man took the eagle by train to let it free few hundred miles away. It came back no more.