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Aug 25 2020

Delay Aging

Everybody will be getting old and will die. That is the rule of nature, never change since the sun appeared in the sky. It is not necessary to discuss about it.
But what we can do is to delay our aging. If we are now in seventy, we can be looked as sixty in appearance and physically in our energy. This can be done through our will power and efforts.
But we have to start preparation from age of forty. We have to live a decent life, sleeping early, getting up early, eating a good balance healthy food. Of course, we have to exercise your body to make our blood circulating like streaming water. Besides, we must keep our heart peacefully and most important, we must be content with what we have. Do not be greedy. Do not compare with others, but compare with ourselves whether we are better today than yesterday.
To delay our aging, do not stay in thinking only, but put into action. It is not easy to do so, but do not be afraid. We have to face our daily life bravely, going forward towards to our goals, against whatever the hard road ahead may be.