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Aug 19 2020

No Talking Of Ghost

Two thousand five hundred years ago, Chinese great philosophy Confucius said that we should not talk about ghost, but only talk about the present which is so closely concerning our daily life.
But, by the description of the writers in the past, most Chinese have the shadow of ghost in our mind. We know that ghost does not exist in the world, but still when we enter the grave yard in the late night, we may feel that the shadow of the ghost is by our side.
Most writers are inclined not to say every thing truly, and by their description of past few thousand years, low educated Chinese people believe quite deeply that there is ghost in the world.
However, if we think deeply that once a human died it is to become dust. In the former days, whether in the West and in the East, people use coffin to lay the dead body, and buried on the ground. Through discards the dead body became the food of insects that live underground.
Since the fact is like this, we should cherish our life today, to seize the very moment in which we can breathe the air. We should live in reality, not to have any groundless imagination.