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Aug 12 2020

Feet Older Fast Than Age

The Chinese Emperor in Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi once said that for old people, feet got older fast than the age. As the words are said by the Emperor, it has been caught by general attention more seriously.
We can see that if a person can walk fast, it shows that this person is in good health and not yet to old age. But, once you walk slow, and movement inactive, it shows you are getting old.
To keep feet active, you have to maintain strong muscles in your feet, without muscles you cannot walk in a speed as you wish.
But, to have muscles on your feet, you have to train yourself by exercise which you have to practice before you get old. Once you are really too old, to train by exercise is impossible. The reason is that an old person has no energy to walk anymore.
Time of gone years is very fair. Once you are in old age, slow walk is unavoidable and naturally you need to use the walk support by assistance of other people. This is the reality no one can escape.