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June 24 2020

Dead Sea

Once an English writer said: “Action cannot guarantee to bring us happiness, but inaction is surely of no happiness.” If we have a good thinking in our mind, it is better to pass it to other people, much better than keeping our mind unrevealed.
In Pakistan, there is a sea, called Galilee Sea, many kinds of fish swimming in this sea, with beautiful trees at the sea side, also many nice houses built there. Thus, this area attracts many tourists to go there.
But, on the other side, there is another sea, called Dead Sea. From its name, we can imagine that this sea has nothing to grow, with no fish of any kind.
The original source of water is from the top mountain of Iran, very clean streaming water indeed. When the water reaches Galilee it is still green, but to Dead Sea water is dirty. It is because water to Galilee is only a passing place, and water to Dead Sea is the end.
We, therefore, had better to pass our knowledge to the people in need, not to keep in our mind as a secret property. Galilee and Dead Sea is a lesson.