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June 3 2020

Carry A Bag

Do not look low on the words “carry a bag” which can give you good health and long life as well. This is the exercise of “burden” on your shoulder. If you can carry a bag with a weight of one third of your body weight, and you walk half an hour in the morning, keeping persistent for three months every day, your muscle in the leg shall be very much strong, your spine more stubborn, your shoulder more straight. You shall not be sick and you will be looked younger than the same age of other persons.
This theory was confirmed in one university in America about few years ago. The study of the university claimed that to carry heavy things on the shoulder is definitely an exercise of great effect.
Of course, to get result, you have to be persistent which is the only way that you can live a healthy life much better than the people in general. The secret is that the weight of a bag on your shoulder brings you muscle tremendously and it is the foundation of your health.