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May 28 2020

Shakespeare Evils The Young

Shakespeare was a great play writer in England four hundred years ago. His talent in drama was so excellent which cannot be denied by anyone. That is why in the past four hundred years Shakespeare has been so famous in the world of literature.
But one point we have to watch his writing. He was in many ways of his content which greatly evils the young people. If young person takes a philosophy from his books, it will greatly hurt him in his life.
While we all admire Shakespeare for his famous name, we neglect that he really did something bad to our young generation.
Shakespeare liked to describe an evil person to do evil deed under a disguise of beautiful words. He beatified a murder with a good reason, but later regretted and no way to be remedied. There are so many examples in his book, which we can see from his thirty-seven dramas, especially in the “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet” and “Macbeth”.