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Apr 28 2020

Speak Less Better

In the Bible, saying: “We have two ears and one mouth, telling us to speak less and listen more.” In the reality of our life, to speak less is better than to speak carelessly. Speaking without a thought will give you trouble unknowingly.
If you are a person of careless speaker, you cannot get trust from people. In the society, we have more confidence in those who speak less.
In the course of our life, we should have wisdom of speaking. Speaking is like an arrow. Once it shoots out, it will never return. Therefore, to speak prudently is a necessity in our life.
In the law, you have freedom to think anything within your heart, but you cannot speak out if it is of criminal nature. Law can only be against you on what you have said illegally.
In your life, two subjects should never be said with friends in debate. First is the politic and second is the religion, both of which will bring you trouble and even disaster.
Why human like dogs because it cannot speak. It shows love to its matter by silent love which is better than speaking love.