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Apr 8 2020

Live Well Today

Philosophy of old people is to live well and enjoy well today. They do not know what will happen to them tomorrow. Old people are like evening sun, which is indeed beautiful, but cannot last long, soon disappearing in the horizon. Therefore, most old people live lonely, helplessly, silently to look at the sky as if to ask God whether He will have some mercy on him.
Dogs live their life positively. They do not think past, nor look to tomorrow. They just live at this very moment, with fall love to their master, expecting master will love them too.
As for human, it is indeed a good philosophy to live at the present moment. We always say that time gone is gone forever, never returning. It is not right, time is not gone forever it only repeating by day and night. When day is gone, night comes, night over, day again shows up. But to any living creature, once your life is gone, you shall never repeat. To time, today is not important, after twenty-four hours, another today re-appears. To human, today is today and the next day is tomorrow, not today anymore. Today will be yesterday by tomorrow. Therefore, it is so important to seize today, to do things what we desire to do, never waiting until tomorrow. We live today, not tomorrow.