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Mar 24 2020

Root Of A Tree

When we go into a forest, we see many trees, big and strong which storm cannot blow them down. Why they are so powerful? It is because their roots are deep down in the soil, as deep as the root can go.
Root is the life of a tree without which, no tree can survive. Root will go deeper to the soil as long as the soil has water underneath. They go far down endlessly.
We are human and we need root too. But our root is not the soil, our root is a thing invisible. That is our thought, our education, our way of dealing with people.
Therefore, we need to read more books from which we can build our root of life. It is because those books have been written by our ancestors who recorded their success as well as their failure. Form books we learn their success and avoid their failure.
But to read books needs time. It is so important that we must seize time to read whichever we can. As time is racing out silently, we should never neglect to let us waste a minute meaninglessly. Remember and remember.