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Mar 7 2020

Sleep Study By Specialist

In Japan, there was a doctor who was specialized in studying sleep. He wrote an article, describing the importance of sleep which is useful to us.
He pointed out that sleep is not only to resume your fatigue of the day, but it is the essence to mend your body which is sick. When we are hurt either inside our body or outside, we must sleep. Only sleep can cure it and return to our healthy body again. If we want to prevent dementia, sufficient sleep is the most important, plus balanced food and adequate exercise.
He proposed that drinking, smoking, coffee should be prohibited before sleep. At the same time, do not depend on alarm o’clock, but let you awake naturally by yourself. Sleep does not accept liability. If you are short of sleep this week, you cannot gain back the sleep next week. You hurt your body already. Have a warm bath before sleep is helpful to sleep because it lessons your body.
Keep empty stomach before sleep which will reduce your fat. Going bed to sleep with a full stomach will bring you not only uncomfortable, but to plant foundation for sickness of various kind. Do not eat when you feel hungry at midnight, eating one cake at midnight is equal to ten cakes during the day.