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Feb 14 2020

Who Steals His Heart?

If somebody can steal a person’s heart, he must be a happy person. It is because that if he can be cared by someone and he can also have someone to care about, he is happy. The poor person in the world is he who has nobody to take care and no body to take care of him. He is an orphan in the world.
Some elder woman like to love dogs very much, as much as she loves herself. It is because she is lonely and dog loves her. From the sentiment of a dog, she finds happiness. Dog’s love is sincere and true and will never betray her.
Nowadays, many people like to have pets who, different from human behavior, always loyal and obedient to its masters. But human is different. Even you are very good to a person who, for some reason or the other, may betray you and hurt you. Such things occasionally happen in our human life.
That is why we need a family which in general never betray each other. We love our family members whole heartedly and they also love us without reserve. If we live alone by ourselves, we may be isolated from society. Unless you have a special character towards your life philosophy, you shall live together with your family.