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Feb 6 2020

I Have A Dream

“I have a dream.” was a speech spoken by the leader of American Negro Martin Luther King in 1968 to American Negros. The purpose was to encourage his fellow countrymen to boycott the government policy which was a policy of segregation.
We are human. We have our dream for our future especially for the young men. In their dream, they wish to do anything. Dream is the world, belonging to young people. They can imagine to be President or to be top leader of world big enterprise. But, in reality of life, you have to work hard to get what you wish.
First of all, you need education, which brings knowledge, and knowledge is the power by which you can make dream into reality.
Therefore, when you are young, you must have education. By education, you can do many kinds of work, such as a scientist an engineer, a lawyer, an accountant, a doctor. Those specialists are the key pillars in the society. By them, the world can then progress. Those able persons, if they work hard, can surely enjoy their comfortable life in their whole life.