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Nov 15 2019

Rest Is More Important Than Exercise

Regarding exercise and rest we must know very clearly which is more important. The answer is that rest should be more important than exercise. After an extreme exercise and rest not followed, there will be very high risk to get ill.
Many people, who like high mountain climbing, will easily get sickness if they do not take a proper rest to follow.
In last century, an American long-distance runner who wrote a book to teach people how to run, died in the street on his running exercise. It is because he did not realize that his body was over exhausted.
Many sport men, after retired, found themselves in trouble inside their bodies. It is because they hurt their organs inside their body by over exercising.
Of course, we must admit that exercise is important to keep our body health. But we shall never neglect to take a rest after exercise, over-looking of which will bring you many kinds of illness in the rest of your life.