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Nov 12 2019

Success Comes From Persistence

Many years ago, at somewhere, there was a village. There lived a farmer who owned a big barn to store dried grass for food of his cows and horses in wintertime. But, one day when he was piling his dried grass, his watch slipped down from his hand waist and fell to the grass storage. He, of course, spent his time to find the watch, but after his hard work of few days, he could not find his watch from the pile of his dry grass.
As this watch was a gift from his grandfather as a souvenir, he must find it at any cost. Therefore, he put an advertisement in front of his barn, saying that if anyone could find his watch in his barn, he would pay one thousand dollars as reward.
Surely many people joined to find the watch but all failed. There was a boy among the finders. As his home was too poor, he must try to earn this one thousand dollars. He worked from morning up to mid night. As he was too tired, he fell into sleep unconsciously. As the night is so quiet and silent, the boy suddenly heard some noise of “tita” from his dream. As a result, the farmer got the watch and the boy received one thousand dollars.