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Oct 27 2019

Do Not Do Single Exercise

Decades ago, China had a very popular saying that life depends upon exercise. It is true that exercise makes our blood in quick circulation which is the key importance to our health. But different exercise has different effect, we must not confine to a single exercise.
We know that hiking can make our muscle strong and leg powerful, swimming relaxing whole body, playing tennis or similar plays can speed up our blood circulation.
The key point of good exercise is to be persistent. If we do exercise today and stop for three days, such exercise will be of no use to you. Once you start exercise, the motto is to continue every day as a routine.
Exercise can make you good health but cannot guarantee a long life. If we desire a long life, learn from a turtle which is in a slow movement. Once a person or an animal is slow in movement, his or its heart will beat slow, a slow beating in heart will result a long life. That is why the turtle can live over one hundred years and rat can only live two years. It is because rat action is so fast that fast speed make rat die quick.