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Oct 5 2019

We Must Have Faith

We are human and it is important that we must have faith. This is not only we have religion faith, but to have faith of our own. Faith means that we have determined to do anything we planned. We must keep a spirit of persistence to finish it. That is the faith. The following story is about faith, which has been wrongly used and not in agreement with reality.
Once upon a time, there was a man who had feverish faith in God. He believed that God could help him in everything. One day, flood flowed down from mountain near his house. Slowly flood was on the half level of his house, a small boat came to rescue him, but he refused, thinking that God will rescue him. Hours later, flood was as high as in the same level of his house roof, and another boat came to save him, but he again refused still thinking God will rescue him. Finally, he drowned.
After his death his spirit came to heaven. He asked God why He did not rescue him who was so feverish faithful to God. God answered that He did sent two boats to rescue him, but it is his foolishness to reject. Therefore, God said: “You died because of your own foolishness.”